Saturday, January 1, 2011

Limitless Freedom Is Yours!

Happy New Year!

Today I encourage you to re-claim your freedom for the New Year. Freedom from the old ways that may have sabotaged you from living the life you deserve; creating what you might name suffering.

I always believed (and taught) that God’s greatest gift to man was freedom, or what I called free-will. But now it has come to me that God didn’t bestow such as gift – we were born free. Free to experience the consequences limitless freedom.

Ernest Holmes responds to this question:

“Why did not God make us free and compel that freedom?” He tells us the answer is apparent when we realize that even God could not do this.

A freedom under compulsion would produce a freedom that would ultimately amount to the very worst kind of bondage. There is no such thing as compulsory freedom; even God Himself could not ordain this; for He could do nothing that would violate His own nature. No; man must be created with the possibility of limitless freedom and then be let alone to discover the fact for himself.

On the road to that discovery he must be subject to the Law of all Life, and if in ignorance he violates the law, he must thereby suffer. This is not, however, because God imposes the suffering or desires it, but simply because it is the necessity of the case. [Ernest Holmes; The Science of Mind, 1926 Text, page 83]

Love and Blessings to you and yours this New Year!

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