Friday, January 23, 2009

Whispering in the President's Ear

From the Tracy Press Newspaper, Wednesday January 21st, 2009

In President Barack Obama, I see a confident man who understands the truth of what was, the clarity of what is and the confidence to lead us to be accountable for what will be.

I, like millions of Americans, have been fascinated with the transition that our nation has just made.

In my house, the news is always on. Frequently, I have found myself talking to the TV screen. No doubt, my words have fallen on deaf ears. But somehow I feel better just putting it out there.
Usually, my words are words of praise, thanksgiving and joy. But sometimes, I want to put in the correction.

Each time I hear President Obama answer a question, I want to offer my spin as to how I wish he’d answer it. Often, I’m surprised that just as I’m about to speak, he offers words of wisdom that far exceed my humble offerings, so I sit back and just smile. However, if there is one answer that I want to whisper in his ear, it would be this.

When asked how he feels about taking the oath of office on the steps of the Capitol, which were built upon the backs of slaves, or when he’s asked what it feels like to move into the White House, which was also built by slaves, I want him to say:

“Oh, they knew. They had to know that this day would come. That’s why they did such a masterful job. They could not have survived the slurs, the whippings, the belittlement had they not held on to their vision of the dream that this day would someday come to be. As I stand on these steps built by these men, I am truly standing on their shoulders. Their work was not in vain — I would not be standing here, had they not first tilled this land, forged these stones and built these steps. I stand here today honoring their efforts.”

I’m not an advisor — he hasn’t asked my opinion. But if he ever did, that would be the message I’d whisper in his ear.

• Thinking Out Loud runs occasionally in Our Town for the Tracy Press Newspaper.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What's Changed? - What Needs to Change?

Hello my friend,

I want to ask you this question: “What’s changed in your life?” Or, should the question be: “What needs to change in your life?”

Perhaps in 2008, change was thrust upon you in some “unexpected” way. Or, maybe nothing changed, and you’ve decided that your goal for the New Year is to make a really big (positive) change in your life. Either way, I’m going to show you how to not only embrace change, but to celebrate it!

I’m just finishing a new book called The 4 Steps for Embracing Change. I am inviting you to preview it and experience all that it has to offer before it is sent to the publisher. In fact, I want you to help me write the final chapter. Your story, testimonial and experience for embracing change may be used as part of the final draft.

On January 31st, I’m launching an interactive process like nothing else you’ve ever experienced. Imagine a multi-media, interactive learning experience consisting of live events, webinars, newsletters, audio recordings, blogs, bulletin boards and small study groups, all designed to introduce you to the tools for understanding your true nature, knowing what you value and for showing you the way to make great things happen in your life!

My role is to facilitate a process that will teach you the four steps (affirmation, atonement, forgiveness and gratitude) for embracing change in every aspect of your life. I am also here to remind you that no one is an island. No one has to go it alone. We were born to be in community.

We can help and assist each other to transcend any change that has been thrust upon us and to support one another in manifesting any change we want to make in our lives. We each have unique and tremendous gifts to offer one another. What we learn will come from our shared experience.

This learning experience will kick off with a very special event on Saturday, January 31st. I’m calling it a Spiritual Living Celebration. I very much want you to be there. I know it will ignite a flame within you that will be tremendous. I surround myself with magnificent people, which is why I’m especially inviting you to join me in making 2009 the year we all learn to embrace change. Please join us on January 31, 2009! If you can’t be there in person, visit my website at to learn how you can see it as a podcast.

Namaste - Rev. Jack