Thursday, November 27, 2008

What are you thankful for today?

In Thanksgiving:

Today, I am grateful for the gift of community.  The search toward discovering my “true nature” has been a magnificent journey “within”.  But I now get it.  I now understand that the journey within is the direct route to the shared journey that we are all traveling together – out there – from the door steps of our soul to the ends of the Universe. 

This time I, and I dare say, WE clearly see, and absolutely claim, that the catalyst for change – came from within.  Not only have “we” been called – but we’ve been called “together” as a community.   We each have unique and tremendous gifts to offer.  Together we will weave the most magnificent tapestry of diversity, love and power.   Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  Thank you to all the friends, family, associates, colleagues, teachers, guides, oracles, and the One Power, One Mind and One Universe that is our community.   

And so it is!  - Rev. Jack

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