Monday, May 12, 2008

Thoughts to Ponder...How to think is to learn how to live.

Have you ever stopped to ponder - just what is prayer?

The Science of Mind teaches us that " A prayer is a movement (flowing) of thought, within the mind of the one praying, along a definite line of meditation; that is for a specific purpose." - SOM p28

Therefore man's thought, falling into - flowing through - his subjective mind, merges with the Universal Mind and becomes the law of his life, through the one great law of all life. How to think is to learn how to live.

Each individual maintains his identity in Law, through his personal use of it. And each is drawing from Life what he thinks into it! SOM p29/30

Therefore, when you pray today - keep your attention on your intention! Pray for a specific "Devine" outcome. Then give your undivided attention to recognizing the answer to your prayer. Claim it as already being so and be greatful for the Life you thought up! - Rev. Jack


moose and squirrel said...

Dearest Jack,

What has become of your posts?

Terre Haute would love to hear from you

Rev. Jack Elliott said...

Hello Cynthia -- Terre Haute? As a ISU Alum....I'm enticed....tell me more about you...

moose and squirrel said...

Indeed, an ISU alum, grandaughter of Madame Hastings. Remember her and New Orleans?

Ran across your blog and thought I would say hello. No longer in Terre Haute, but in Texas. Visit my website sometime at bozzies(dot)com.

Wishing you all the best!

moose and squirrel said...

Indeed, an ISU alum and grandaughter of Madame Hastings of New Orleans.

No longer in Terre Haute but in Texas. Ran into your blog and thought I would say hello. Drop by my website at bozzies(dot)com sometime.

Wishing you the very best.