Monday, January 10, 2011

Stand In Your Truth

Monday’s are great days for taking a look at what is. How much money is in the checking account; what bills are due this week; what appointments must be kept and what communications must be delivered. Just know that “whatever is – “is”.

To pretend that it’s not there doesn’t make it go away. Denying it doesn’t make it disappear. “It” whatever it is – still is making an impress on your psyche.
Today you must have the courage to stand in your truth. Once you do that, then you can be open to the knowing, that which you have made – can be re-made. That which you have molded – can be re-molded. That which you’ve created (and yes you created “it”) can be re-created. You are that powerful.

If you find yourself about to deny; avoid or lie today - stop! Take a breath and know that the Truth will always serve you. Then stand in your truth. Acknowledge what is and be open to receiving the inspiration that will be the solution to the re-creation of a new reality.


Anonymous said...

Rev. Jack;

I am doing the one thing a day that scares me ...

... asking for advice and admitting my quirky desires.

I have been a student of hypnosis , and later NLP, since I bought my first book on hypnosis in the early 1970's. Last year I started on a journey to finally become a hypnotherapist / hypnotist. I bought the ticket to a intensive 72 hour seminar last summer but could not afford the cost of getting to the Las Vegas headquarters of the certifying school ... airfare , hotel etc.

I have decided that I want to pursue this ... I have studied the books, videos and manuals over the years but lacked the personal experience and of developing the confidence and patter required and necessary to be successful. I teach my salesmen NLP techniques, but because I am doing it as part of my job as "sales manager guy" I don't have anything personally on the line.

It seems when Brian , the person, steps out to be Brian, the person, he gets clobbered.

I had thought about first doing entertaining stage hypnosis , a one man play if you will , and thought you as a thoughtful ( in the truest definition of the word ) man , a renaissance man and a man that cares , ethically , for others, we might be able to talk and I can explain to you my vision and we could discuss how I can implement it.

I realize that some men of the cloth are opposed to hypnosis on general purpose so if this subject is uncomfortable I understand.

Thanks for allowing me to do something scary.


Rev. Jack Elliott said...


Good for you. You are not only "standing in your truth" but you are doing something that "scares" you.

After reading your words the one word that pops to my mind is "permission". To utilize techniques of NLP at work creates the context of "this is a permissible place to do this...because it makes the boss money."

To seek clergy "agreement" is also seeking permission. Remember what I said a few days ago about how to tell a good guru from a bad one? While I'm not a guru, nor do I want to be one, I do know that there are many paths to God. And there are many demonstrations of God's gifts and being a hypnotist can be one of them. It is a masterful tool for aiding one to keep their "attention on their intention".

Give yourself permission to pursue this with all your passion. Be open to hearing where you are to give this gift. You would not have been give the "gift" if the confidence and patter wasn't already present within you to deliver the goods.