This week's quote comes from A Course In Miracles" It reads:
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
[As you read today's blog I invite you to play the song below as inspiration.]
We never know when Spirit is going to reach out and touch our soul. Sometimes it's with the loving words of a friend or teacher. Other times we are inspired by written words on the page. For me I'm most often surprised by Spirit's touch through music.
Yesterday as I scampered about doing Saturday errands, Luther Vandross's "Dance with my Father Again" came forth on my car stereo. I found myself pulling over and
"just listening". Why this song? Why is it touching me so now - I've heard it over a thousand times. Why today? I heard myself say allowed: "It's Mother's Day after all." Then I remembered Mother's Day is May 9th. May 9th is also my Father's Birthday.
From time to time Mother's Day falls on his birthday and when it does I become particularly thankful for the gifts both of my parents gave to me. You see I never lived with my Father. After being married to my mother for over twenty years - he'd had enough. Not enough of her or our family - but enough of not knowing who he was. I'm sure he would have left sooner, but then - surprise - I came along.
My brother, while not even 12-years-old, took up the role of surrogate father for me. He did an admirable job of it. When he was old enough to drive our car trips were to visit "our" father. I adored this man that he called our dad. He was kind, compassionate, funny and very engaging. When you were in his company he made you feel welcomed and appreciated.
I didn't understand what happened between my Mother and Father. As a little boy I would stand outside her bedroom door and hear her sobbing for him. I couldn't reconcile how that nice guy, that I had met on these trips with my brother, could have hurt her so badly. My brother went away to college and my Father moved to Florida. For the most part my Father was not present in my life. Life went on - but from time to time I would dream of him - those early days and him holding me as we'd dance around in his living room. I didn't know why he didn't love her anymore, but I was certain as to why she loved him.
2010 is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my ordination as a Religious Science Minister. During that time the most inspirational moment came when I had the the opportunity to speak at my Father's funeral. I didn't know what to say. I prayed, wrote, and pondered. I kept asking Spirit to guide me. I was inspired to use the title "The Gifts of My Father".
What gifts? The gifts from a man that I probably never saw more than 20 times in my entire life? Then today's quote was the quote I had read the morning of his funeral. "I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me."
As I took the podium and looked out to the friends and family before me - it was all revealed. They were the gifts of my Father. Without my father I would have never known the love of my brother; my brother's family and their families. Without the gift of life given to me by my father, I would not have known the love of my mother. I would have never have known the love of my friends, and those that I've shared this incredible spiritual journey with. My God, but the gifts of my father were magnicient. Ah to dance with this man once again.
The gifts my parents are tremendous. From my Father I have my sense of humor, my ability to be engaging, compassionate and passionate. From my Mother I have received the gifts of loving, self respect, loyalty, and a willingness to go for it. So today, this day of May 9th that honors each of them; I trust that since they've both made their transition, that now their spirits have reconciled and she has had the opportunity to dance with my Father once again.
Today I give thanks for a wonderfully magnificent life. I know that I was sent by Him, but I'm forever thankful that it was "through them" that I came to be.
Thank you Mother and Dad. - Rev. Jack
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