Each holiday season I take a discerning look at my life. Not critical. Not judgmental. Merriam Webster might describe it as: An insightful and understanding look at “what is”.
I make it a time for taking stock and then refocus by setting my intentions for the New Year. It is also the time for coming up with new tools for keeping my attention on my intention.
In my life, all things begin with gratitude for what is:
As 2010 comes to a close, I am once again in awe of my life. And I am so very very thankful for all that has manifested in 2010 - especially the people that have come into my life and for the existing relationships that have grown immensely this year .
My intention was to “Think big and go!” And go I did. The results - Amazing!
One year ago, I had no idea that I would have experienced love in so many new ways. I did not know I would travel to London. I had no idea that I would return to world of theatre as the outward expression of my ministerial calling. I had no idea that I would experience the gift of parenthood. But then again….if you commit to thinking big – big thinks happen.
I am also aware that there were times this year when I took my eye off the ball. In fact, I sometimes dropped the ball. In a few cases the ball broke into a million pieces. In other words, I took the attention off my intention and there were consequences.
So as 2010 comes to a close, I invite you to take a discerning look as to what is in each area of your life (Family, Significant Relationship, Career, Finances, Mind/body, Spirit and Community). On a scale of 1 to 10 are you content with the results? (10 equaling most pleased status.)
If not – why not? Where did you take the attention off your intention? How your life looks right now it is the fullest expression of your life to date. Your life “right now” is the demonstration of where you put your attention in 2010. What to make some changes? Sweet! So do I. Let’s do this together.
In 2010 I invited you to think big. In 2011 I invite you to join me as I think bigger than big! We will do this through journaling, blogging and a series of new workshops that will teach you to be authentic to your values so that you will experience the fullest possible expression of Self.
Stay tune for my first workshop of 2011. Dreaming Bigger Than Big! - Rev. Jack
"Experience the authentic life you've been called to live In 2011" - Rev. Jack
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
One Step Closer....Step by Step
The Church has every right to “sanctify” a congregant’s marriage – the state does not.
In a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, he reminded them that the First Amendment to the US Constitution demonstrates the importance "wall of separation" between church and state. If we honor that value, then we’d understand that the “state” should recognize all marriages as “civil unions”. Let the churches be in a business of “sanctifying” this or that; in alignment with their teachings and doctrine – but only for those that have chosen to adhere to such doctrine.
For, me – I’m blessed to align myself with a Spiritual Community that honors my inherent right as a Divine child of God, to love and to marry whomever I choose to share my life with… an so it is!
In a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, he reminded them that the First Amendment to the US Constitution demonstrates the importance "wall of separation" between church and state. If we honor that value, then we’d understand that the “state” should recognize all marriages as “civil unions”. Let the churches be in a business of “sanctifying” this or that; in alignment with their teachings and doctrine – but only for those that have chosen to adhere to such doctrine.
For, me – I’m blessed to align myself with a Spiritual Community that honors my inherent right as a Divine child of God, to love and to marry whomever I choose to share my life with… an so it is!
gay rights,
Sunday, June 6, 2010
To Thy Own Self "Be" True
“We’re all familiar with being obedient to an enforceable law, but imagine being obedient to an unenforceable law: the integrity, the honesty within you. No one can force you to live up to the best within yourself; no one can make you obey your conscience. Imagine doing those things because you choose to.”
- John-Roger (From Wealth & Higher Consciousness, p. 103).
Each morning I receive an email called “Loving Each Day” It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness which is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity. I call it – knowing our own unique calling. My daily affirmation from Loving Each Day is how I begin my day.
My inner knowingness is now in tune with the little “chirp” my Blackberry makes whenever my “Loving Each Day” affirmation arrives. I anticipate with joy – reaching – not only for my cell phone, but for the “lesson” that Spirit is sending my way for this day. (And yes, there are other emails that arrive during the night, but I sleep right through those chirps.)
The “values” we live by mold our life. Whatever has manifested in your life right now – is a direct reflection of the values that you have honored. For me, when my like looks like something other than my highest reflection of my “calling” - my purpose for being, I have to go within and look at where I have not been obedient to myself.
Frequently, I can see that I’ve not be obedient when I’ve “sold out” myself to “keep peace” in someone else’s universe. My ego is its own “Rodney King” (Can’t we all just get along?”). I will divert from what I know is appropriate and try to make peace where I anticipate that chaos might be brewing. Metaphorically, robbing Peter (myself) to pay Paul – thinking (hoping) that by doing so – peace will prevail.
Time and time again, such behavior backfires and whenever my course of action is revealed to those I’ve endeavored to help it is seen as an act of manipulation or even lying. How could it not be seen as that? For that, manipulation is the value I honored in that situation.
When I’m being true to my calling (my higher self) I stop (even for a moment) and ask Spirit: “What is for the highest good in this situation?” If I listen, do as guided, and if I am obedient and obey my conscience – the outcome is always as it should be.
I am so thankful to have such daily reminders that assist to keep me on track. I’m also grateful to be surrounding by loving people that are my loving reminders as well. So my friends I leave you with this message for this week. To thy own (highest) self “Be” true – for that is indeed your calling. Love and friends. Rev. Jack
- John-Roger (From Wealth & Higher Consciousness, p. 103).
Each morning I receive an email called “Loving Each Day” It is a free service of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness which is a nondenominational, ecumenical church that teaches that each of us is divine and we can know our own divinity. I call it – knowing our own unique calling. My daily affirmation from Loving Each Day is how I begin my day.
My inner knowingness is now in tune with the little “chirp” my Blackberry makes whenever my “Loving Each Day” affirmation arrives. I anticipate with joy – reaching – not only for my cell phone, but for the “lesson” that Spirit is sending my way for this day. (And yes, there are other emails that arrive during the night, but I sleep right through those chirps.)
The “values” we live by mold our life. Whatever has manifested in your life right now – is a direct reflection of the values that you have honored. For me, when my like looks like something other than my highest reflection of my “calling” - my purpose for being, I have to go within and look at where I have not been obedient to myself.
Frequently, I can see that I’ve not be obedient when I’ve “sold out” myself to “keep peace” in someone else’s universe. My ego is its own “Rodney King” (Can’t we all just get along?”). I will divert from what I know is appropriate and try to make peace where I anticipate that chaos might be brewing. Metaphorically, robbing Peter (myself) to pay Paul – thinking (hoping) that by doing so – peace will prevail.
Time and time again, such behavior backfires and whenever my course of action is revealed to those I’ve endeavored to help it is seen as an act of manipulation or even lying. How could it not be seen as that? For that, manipulation is the value I honored in that situation.
When I’m being true to my calling (my higher self) I stop (even for a moment) and ask Spirit: “What is for the highest good in this situation?” If I listen, do as guided, and if I am obedient and obey my conscience – the outcome is always as it should be.
I am so thankful to have such daily reminders that assist to keep me on track. I’m also grateful to be surrounding by loving people that are my loving reminders as well. So my friends I leave you with this message for this week. To thy own (highest) self “Be” true – for that is indeed your calling. Love and friends. Rev. Jack
God's will,
Personal Growth,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Gifts Of My Parents
This week's quote comes from A Course In Miracles" It reads:
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
[As you read today's blog I invite you to play the song below as inspiration.]
We never know when Spirit is going to reach out and touch our soul. Sometimes it's with the loving words of a friend or teacher. Other times we are inspired by written words on the page. For me I'm most often surprised by Spirit's touch through music.
Yesterday as I scampered about doing Saturday errands, Luther Vandross's "Dance with my Father Again" came forth on my car stereo. I found myself pulling over and
"just listening". Why this song? Why is it touching me so now - I've heard it over a thousand times. Why today? I heard myself say allowed: "It's Mother's Day after all." Then I remembered Mother's Day is May 9th. May 9th is also my Father's Birthday.
From time to time Mother's Day falls on his birthday and when it does I become particularly thankful for the gifts both of my parents gave to me. You see I never lived with my Father. After being married to my mother for over twenty years - he'd had enough. Not enough of her or our family - but enough of not knowing who he was. I'm sure he would have left sooner, but then - surprise - I came along.
My brother, while not even 12-years-old, took up the role of surrogate father for me. He did an admirable job of it. When he was old enough to drive our car trips were to visit "our" father. I adored this man that he called our dad. He was kind, compassionate, funny and very engaging. When you were in his company he made you feel welcomed and appreciated.
I didn't understand what happened between my Mother and Father. As a little boy I would stand outside her bedroom door and hear her sobbing for him. I couldn't reconcile how that nice guy, that I had met on these trips with my brother, could have hurt her so badly. My brother went away to college and my Father moved to Florida. For the most part my Father was not present in my life. Life went on - but from time to time I would dream of him - those early days and him holding me as we'd dance around in his living room. I didn't know why he didn't love her anymore, but I was certain as to why she loved him.
2010 is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my ordination as a Religious Science Minister. During that time the most inspirational moment came when I had the the opportunity to speak at my Father's funeral. I didn't know what to say. I prayed, wrote, and pondered. I kept asking Spirit to guide me. I was inspired to use the title "The Gifts of My Father".
What gifts? The gifts from a man that I probably never saw more than 20 times in my entire life? Then today's quote was the quote I had read the morning of his funeral. "I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me."
As I took the podium and looked out to the friends and family before me - it was all revealed. They were the gifts of my Father. Without my father I would have never known the love of my brother; my brother's family and their families. Without the gift of life given to me by my father, I would not have known the love of my mother. I would have never have known the love of my friends, and those that I've shared this incredible spiritual journey with. My God, but the gifts of my father were magnicient. Ah to dance with this man once again.
The gifts my parents are tremendous. From my Father I have my sense of humor, my ability to be engaging, compassionate and passionate. From my Mother I have received the gifts of loving, self respect, loyalty, and a willingness to go for it. So today, this day of May 9th that honors each of them; I trust that since they've both made their transition, that now their spirits have reconciled and she has had the opportunity to dance with my Father once again.
Today I give thanks for a wonderfully magnificent life. I know that I was sent by Him, but I'm forever thankful that it was "through them" that I came to be.
Thank you Mother and Dad. - Rev. Jack
This week's quote comes from A Course In Miracles" It reads:
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
[As you read today's blog I invite you to play the song below as inspiration.]
We never know when Spirit is going to reach out and touch our soul. Sometimes it's with the loving words of a friend or teacher. Other times we are inspired by written words on the page. For me I'm most often surprised by Spirit's touch through music.
Yesterday as I scampered about doing Saturday errands, Luther Vandross's "Dance with my Father Again" came forth on my car stereo. I found myself pulling over and
"just listening". Why this song? Why is it touching me so now - I've heard it over a thousand times. Why today? I heard myself say allowed: "It's Mother's Day after all." Then I remembered Mother's Day is May 9th. May 9th is also my Father's Birthday.
From time to time Mother's Day falls on his birthday and when it does I become particularly thankful for the gifts both of my parents gave to me. You see I never lived with my Father. After being married to my mother for over twenty years - he'd had enough. Not enough of her or our family - but enough of not knowing who he was. I'm sure he would have left sooner, but then - surprise - I came along.
My brother, while not even 12-years-old, took up the role of surrogate father for me. He did an admirable job of it. When he was old enough to drive our car trips were to visit "our" father. I adored this man that he called our dad. He was kind, compassionate, funny and very engaging. When you were in his company he made you feel welcomed and appreciated.
I didn't understand what happened between my Mother and Father. As a little boy I would stand outside her bedroom door and hear her sobbing for him. I couldn't reconcile how that nice guy, that I had met on these trips with my brother, could have hurt her so badly. My brother went away to college and my Father moved to Florida. For the most part my Father was not present in my life. Life went on - but from time to time I would dream of him - those early days and him holding me as we'd dance around in his living room. I didn't know why he didn't love her anymore, but I was certain as to why she loved him.
2010 is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my ordination as a Religious Science Minister. During that time the most inspirational moment came when I had the the opportunity to speak at my Father's funeral. I didn't know what to say. I prayed, wrote, and pondered. I kept asking Spirit to guide me. I was inspired to use the title "The Gifts of My Father".
What gifts? The gifts from a man that I probably never saw more than 20 times in my entire life? Then today's quote was the quote I had read the morning of his funeral. "I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me."
As I took the podium and looked out to the friends and family before me - it was all revealed. They were the gifts of my Father. Without my father I would have never known the love of my brother; my brother's family and their families. Without the gift of life given to me by my father, I would not have known the love of my mother. I would have never have known the love of my friends, and those that I've shared this incredible spiritual journey with. My God, but the gifts of my father were magnicient. Ah to dance with this man once again.
The gifts my parents are tremendous. From my Father I have my sense of humor, my ability to be engaging, compassionate and passionate. From my Mother I have received the gifts of loving, self respect, loyalty, and a willingness to go for it. So today, this day of May 9th that honors each of them; I trust that since they've both made their transition, that now their spirits have reconciled and she has had the opportunity to dance with my Father once again.
Today I give thanks for a wonderfully magnificent life. I know that I was sent by Him, but I'm forever thankful that it was "through them" that I came to be.
Thank you Mother and Dad. - Rev. Jack
Mother's Day,
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Words That Leave An Impress On Our Psyche
Happy Saturday!
“Mother’s just so disappointed.”
To a five year old – these can be wounding words. Especially if that five year old (me) had worked really hard to put every toy away, to have made my bed and dress myself for my first day of school.
What was my egregious error? I had put on the same shirt that I had worn the day before.
That was the first time I remember the words “Mother’s just so disappointed” being laid upon me; making an “impress” on my psyche. For whatever reason – her tool for coaching was to emphasize her disappointment.
I remember getting my first report card that had actual letter grades posted on it. I had gotten all “A’s” and “B”’s I was so proud! Proud enough to run all the way home to show her – and everyone else along the way! Mr. McCoy at the corner market proclaimed “Great Job Jack!” as he swept the leaves from the front of his store. Mrs. Husdon was walking her little Jack Russell Terrier and she patted me on the head and said “Your mama is going to be so proud”.
“Mother!” I shouted breathlessly from the back entryway into the kitchen where she was working. “ I’m home and here’s my report card.” You’re going to be so happy! Even Mr. McCoy and Mrs. Hudson said I had done – really well!” As soon as I said those words the arms that had reached out to hug me suddenly dropped to her side.
“You showed your report card to everyone else before you showed it to me? Mother’s just so disappointed. “ The impress was made even deeper. Sensing her error, she rallied around and even told me that she was proud – but the moment was lost for me.
For my mom – “stressing her disappointment” was her ultimate parental trump card. It may have served her needs – giving her the opportunity to put in the correction whenever she felt it was appropriate. But for me it created such a impress - I felt as if my psyche had an expressway running through it. The “I’m not worthy” Impress Expressway.
Throughout my academic endeavors, professional career and even my volunteer and scared service giving, I always anticipated the words….”great job Jack – but we’re disappointed that…” “Great term paper Jack, but were disappointed that you didn’t catch these typos, so we’re going to have to give you a “B” not an “A”.
“Great Power Point presentation on your recruitment project Jack, but we’re disappointed that you didn’t include the results from last year so we could have done a comparison.” “Great sermon Rev. Jack, but I’m disappointed that you didn’t have my daughter sing before the offering rather than afterwards. Her song would have been more impactful.”
Every time I hear such words my inter being – my very Spirit – recalls those first words spoken on that first day of school nearly fifty years ago. “Mother’s just so disappointed.” It’s as if she’s saying: No matter how hard you try – you just can’t get it right.” Thus making the Impress Expressway and bit wider, longer and even in some places a two tiered freeway.
What’s different today? Today I throw up a road block. I call it the Rev. Andriette “Tain’t so” road block. In fact my “Impress Expressway” is filled with those “Taint so” road blocks. Some parts have been torn down completely. “Taint so” reminds me of what I learn a long time again when I started to study metaphysics.
The first metaphysical words I ever paid attention to where “What You Think of Me – Is None of My Business”. It was the title of Rev. Terry Cole-Whittaker’s first book. It was if she had written the book just for me.
The book taught me two things that I’ve carried all my life. First, it’s what I think of myself that matters most. What others say – matters more to them than it ever will to me – and I will never fully know why they said – what they said – and it is a waste of my time to try to figure it out.
Secondly, when others speak - my job is to listen, and ask myself (silently and prayerfully) “Spirit does any of this serve me? What is the “Truth” within their words that I need to hear?”
Today if someone chooses to “put in the correction” and begins to tell me “how it should be” or they commence to tell me how disappointed they are in me” I affirm silently to myself “Taint so.” By doing so it allows me to say with a smile. “Ah thank you for sharing that with me. I know it was important to you to say this.” And then I politely walk away trusting that if Spirit did have a truth for me to hear, I would hear it and incorporate it into my psyche where it would manifest into good. As so it is! Rev. Jack
“Mother’s just so disappointed.”
To a five year old – these can be wounding words. Especially if that five year old (me) had worked really hard to put every toy away, to have made my bed and dress myself for my first day of school.
What was my egregious error? I had put on the same shirt that I had worn the day before.
That was the first time I remember the words “Mother’s just so disappointed” being laid upon me; making an “impress” on my psyche. For whatever reason – her tool for coaching was to emphasize her disappointment.
I remember getting my first report card that had actual letter grades posted on it. I had gotten all “A’s” and “B”’s I was so proud! Proud enough to run all the way home to show her – and everyone else along the way! Mr. McCoy at the corner market proclaimed “Great Job Jack!” as he swept the leaves from the front of his store. Mrs. Husdon was walking her little Jack Russell Terrier and she patted me on the head and said “Your mama is going to be so proud”.
“Mother!” I shouted breathlessly from the back entryway into the kitchen where she was working. “ I’m home and here’s my report card.” You’re going to be so happy! Even Mr. McCoy and Mrs. Hudson said I had done – really well!” As soon as I said those words the arms that had reached out to hug me suddenly dropped to her side.
“You showed your report card to everyone else before you showed it to me? Mother’s just so disappointed. “ The impress was made even deeper. Sensing her error, she rallied around and even told me that she was proud – but the moment was lost for me.
For my mom – “stressing her disappointment” was her ultimate parental trump card. It may have served her needs – giving her the opportunity to put in the correction whenever she felt it was appropriate. But for me it created such a impress - I felt as if my psyche had an expressway running through it. The “I’m not worthy” Impress Expressway.
Throughout my academic endeavors, professional career and even my volunteer and scared service giving, I always anticipated the words….”great job Jack – but we’re disappointed that…” “Great term paper Jack, but were disappointed that you didn’t catch these typos, so we’re going to have to give you a “B” not an “A”.
“Great Power Point presentation on your recruitment project Jack, but we’re disappointed that you didn’t include the results from last year so we could have done a comparison.” “Great sermon Rev. Jack, but I’m disappointed that you didn’t have my daughter sing before the offering rather than afterwards. Her song would have been more impactful.”
Every time I hear such words my inter being – my very Spirit – recalls those first words spoken on that first day of school nearly fifty years ago. “Mother’s just so disappointed.” It’s as if she’s saying: No matter how hard you try – you just can’t get it right.” Thus making the Impress Expressway and bit wider, longer and even in some places a two tiered freeway.
What’s different today? Today I throw up a road block. I call it the Rev. Andriette “Tain’t so” road block. In fact my “Impress Expressway” is filled with those “Taint so” road blocks. Some parts have been torn down completely. “Taint so” reminds me of what I learn a long time again when I started to study metaphysics.
The first metaphysical words I ever paid attention to where “What You Think of Me – Is None of My Business”. It was the title of Rev. Terry Cole-Whittaker’s first book. It was if she had written the book just for me.
The book taught me two things that I’ve carried all my life. First, it’s what I think of myself that matters most. What others say – matters more to them than it ever will to me – and I will never fully know why they said – what they said – and it is a waste of my time to try to figure it out.
Secondly, when others speak - my job is to listen, and ask myself (silently and prayerfully) “Spirit does any of this serve me? What is the “Truth” within their words that I need to hear?”
Today if someone chooses to “put in the correction” and begins to tell me “how it should be” or they commence to tell me how disappointed they are in me” I affirm silently to myself “Taint so.” By doing so it allows me to say with a smile. “Ah thank you for sharing that with me. I know it was important to you to say this.” And then I politely walk away trusting that if Spirit did have a truth for me to hear, I would hear it and incorporate it into my psyche where it would manifest into good. As so it is! Rev. Jack
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Enlightenment Surrounds You - Just Go!
Greetings Everyone! This week's lesson comes from the Teaching of Buddha as scribed by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai.
"Indeed, those who seek for Enlightenment must think of their minds as castles and decorate them. They must open wide the gates of their minds for Buddha (my word: Spirit) and respectfully and humbly invite Him to enter the inmost chamber, there to offer Him the fragrant incense of Faith and the flowers of gratitude and gladness."
Each day, as I prepare to meditate, I ask Spirit to guide me to the book, author, page, affirmation or even prayer, that is to serve as my inspiration for meditation that day. After I've read - what I've been called to read, I light the candle on my "prayer wheel" . The prayer wheel is a small silver dish with a niche for a small votive candle in it's center. Surrounding the candle are the words that I begin my meditation with.
"The Light of God surrounds you. The Love of God enfolds you. The Presence of God watches over you. The Power of God protects you. Wherever you are, God is. Wherever you are, God is. Wherever you are, God is. "
After saying these words aloud, I fall silent and focus on the flickering flame. I allow thoughts of the words on my prayer wheel to clear my mind of the normal "chatter". And then I ask Spirit to show me what it is that I'm to learn from earlier lesson. (The reading I was guided to read.)
Then I listen.
I listen to my breath. As I inhale I say to myself "Wisdom in". As I exhale I say "Excess out". Soon I will have stopped talking and I will start to hear "me speak to me." Spirit using my own voice to speak to me - Enlightening me.
So today, I invite you to try it. I invite you to meditate, pray, treat, get centered and allow yourself to be Enlightened. I will share with you a small reading. Once you've read it - be silent and ask yourself - "What is Spirit guiding me to learn from this lesson?" Enlightenment is all around you. Go get it! Give it away to others and Get use to surrounding yourself with gladness. Here's the story:
"Once there was a boy named Sudhana who also wished for Enlightenment and earnestly sought the way. From a fisherman he learned the lore of the sea. From a doctor he learned compassion toward sick people in their suffering. From a wealthy man he learned that saving pennies was the secret of his fortune and thought how necessary it was to conserve every trifling gained on the path to Enlightenment.
From a meditating monk he learned that the pure and peaceful mind had a miraculous power to purify and tranquilize other minds. Once he met a woman of exceptional personality and was impressed by her benevolent spirit, and from her he learned a lesson that charity was the fruit of wisdom. Once he met an aged wanderer who told him that to reach a certain place he had to scale a mountain of swords and pass through a valley of fire. Thus Sudhana learned from his experiences that there was true teaching to be gained from everything he saw or heard.
He learned patience from a poor, crippled woman; he learned a lesson of simple happiness from watching children playing in the street; and from some gentle and humble people, who never thought of wanting anything that anybody else wanted, he learned the secret of living at peace with all the world.
He learned a lesson of harmony from watching the blending of the elements of incense, and a lesson thanksgiving from the arrangement of flowers. One day, passing through a forest, he took a rest under a noble tree and noticed a tiny seedling growing near by out of a fallen and decaying tree and it taught him a lesson of the uncertainty of life.
Sunlight by day and the twinkling stars by night constantly refreshed his spirit. Thus Sudhana profited by the experiences of his long journey.
Indeed, those who seek for Enlightenment must think of their minds as castles and decorate them, They must open wide the gates for their minds for Buddha (my words: Spirit) and respectfully and humbly invite Him to enter the inmost chamber, there to offer Him the fragrant incense of Faith and the flowers of gratitude and gladness."
[The Teaching of Buddha; Kyokai; "The Way of Practical Attainment - Lesson #9; pages 318-322]
"Indeed, those who seek for Enlightenment must think of their minds as castles and decorate them. They must open wide the gates of their minds for Buddha (my word: Spirit) and respectfully and humbly invite Him to enter the inmost chamber, there to offer Him the fragrant incense of Faith and the flowers of gratitude and gladness."
Each day, as I prepare to meditate, I ask Spirit to guide me to the book, author, page, affirmation or even prayer, that is to serve as my inspiration for meditation that day. After I've read - what I've been called to read, I light the candle on my "prayer wheel" . The prayer wheel is a small silver dish with a niche for a small votive candle in it's center. Surrounding the candle are the words that I begin my meditation with.
"The Light of God surrounds you. The Love of God enfolds you. The Presence of God watches over you. The Power of God protects you. Wherever you are, God is. Wherever you are, God is. Wherever you are, God is. "
After saying these words aloud, I fall silent and focus on the flickering flame. I allow thoughts of the words on my prayer wheel to clear my mind of the normal "chatter". And then I ask Spirit to show me what it is that I'm to learn from earlier lesson. (The reading I was guided to read.)
Then I listen.
I listen to my breath. As I inhale I say to myself "Wisdom in". As I exhale I say "Excess out". Soon I will have stopped talking and I will start to hear "me speak to me." Spirit using my own voice to speak to me - Enlightening me.
So today, I invite you to try it. I invite you to meditate, pray, treat, get centered and allow yourself to be Enlightened. I will share with you a small reading. Once you've read it - be silent and ask yourself - "What is Spirit guiding me to learn from this lesson?" Enlightenment is all around you. Go get it! Give it away to others and Get use to surrounding yourself with gladness. Here's the story:
"Once there was a boy named Sudhana who also wished for Enlightenment and earnestly sought the way. From a fisherman he learned the lore of the sea. From a doctor he learned compassion toward sick people in their suffering. From a wealthy man he learned that saving pennies was the secret of his fortune and thought how necessary it was to conserve every trifling gained on the path to Enlightenment.
From a meditating monk he learned that the pure and peaceful mind had a miraculous power to purify and tranquilize other minds. Once he met a woman of exceptional personality and was impressed by her benevolent spirit, and from her he learned a lesson that charity was the fruit of wisdom. Once he met an aged wanderer who told him that to reach a certain place he had to scale a mountain of swords and pass through a valley of fire. Thus Sudhana learned from his experiences that there was true teaching to be gained from everything he saw or heard.
He learned patience from a poor, crippled woman; he learned a lesson of simple happiness from watching children playing in the street; and from some gentle and humble people, who never thought of wanting anything that anybody else wanted, he learned the secret of living at peace with all the world.
He learned a lesson of harmony from watching the blending of the elements of incense, and a lesson thanksgiving from the arrangement of flowers. One day, passing through a forest, he took a rest under a noble tree and noticed a tiny seedling growing near by out of a fallen and decaying tree and it taught him a lesson of the uncertainty of life.
Sunlight by day and the twinkling stars by night constantly refreshed his spirit. Thus Sudhana profited by the experiences of his long journey.
Indeed, those who seek for Enlightenment must think of their minds as castles and decorate them, They must open wide the gates for their minds for Buddha (my words: Spirit) and respectfully and humbly invite Him to enter the inmost chamber, there to offer Him the fragrant incense of Faith and the flowers of gratitude and gladness."
[The Teaching of Buddha; Kyokai; "The Way of Practical Attainment - Lesson #9; pages 318-322]
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Your Life is Like a River
This week's dialogue is born out of a quote in my mediation lesson for April 17, in the book "365 Science of Mind - A year of daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes" it reads:
" If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, 'Be thou removed, and be cast into the sea': it shall be done." - Matthew 21:21.
It's about intention! It's about the power of our words. Each word we whisper, speak, shout, or say silently to ourselves is a declaration of our intention for what we say to be so. Ernest Holmes' lesson went on to say:
So ponder this:
As you meditate today - in your minds eye stand on the bank of the river of your life. See that river flowing before you and notice the content. Don't judge what you see - just notice. Know that whatever is there - is the manifestation of your words. It was born out of an urge, an idea - it was your intention for it to be there. Now, if you no longer desire for "it" to be there - bless it and allow it to flow on by. Allow it to be washed down stream.
Now notice your reflection. Bless the being that is you. Take a breath and notice "what's new". What beautiful new thing has come down stream to enrich your life? Allow yourself to see all that good that surrounds you. This is also the manifestation of your words. Relish in the idea that through the power of your words, you can cast the mountain into the sea. Now "Go" do what you've been called to do. "Give" graciously to those that you have been called to support and "Get" the love and the gifts that are Divinely yours.
" If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, 'Be thou removed, and be cast into the sea': it shall be done." - Matthew 21:21.
It's about intention! It's about the power of our words. Each word we whisper, speak, shout, or say silently to ourselves is a declaration of our intention for what we say to be so. Ernest Holmes' lesson went on to say:
Our activity of though is actually a Divine compulsion of the One Mind in us seeking an ever-increasing achievement and expression through us. The forms and outlets for this self-conscious process of though, which appear as a unique creation of life in man, may manifest in many ways.
We each interpret and use the urge for greater expression. For some, the fulfillment of this inner drive may be found in a new home, increased business activity, or better health, as well as in a desire for greater spiritual awareness.
All of these desires are urges of the indwelling Intelligence and we either can combat the urges we feel or we can give then expression. The choice is ours to make. But we cannot stand still. We have to continue to express this action of Life within us because creativity is our Divine Essence.
Our lives and experiences may well be likened to a river. If we stand on the bank of a river and watch it flow by, we become aware that the river never changes but that its content is always new. By analogy, we might say the purposeful dynamic quality of life within us never changes, but the content of our experience of living never remains the same.
So ponder this:
As you meditate today - in your minds eye stand on the bank of the river of your life. See that river flowing before you and notice the content. Don't judge what you see - just notice. Know that whatever is there - is the manifestation of your words. It was born out of an urge, an idea - it was your intention for it to be there. Now, if you no longer desire for "it" to be there - bless it and allow it to flow on by. Allow it to be washed down stream.
Now notice your reflection. Bless the being that is you. Take a breath and notice "what's new". What beautiful new thing has come down stream to enrich your life? Allow yourself to see all that good that surrounds you. This is also the manifestation of your words. Relish in the idea that through the power of your words, you can cast the mountain into the sea. Now "Go" do what you've been called to do. "Give" graciously to those that you have been called to support and "Get" the love and the gifts that are Divinely yours.
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