Each holiday season I take a discerning look at my life. Not critical. Not judgmental. Merriam Webster might describe it as: An insightful and understanding look at “what is”.
I make it a time for taking stock and then refocus by setting my intentions for the New Year. It is also the time for coming up with new tools for keeping my attention on my intention.
In my life, all things begin with gratitude for what is:
As 2010 comes to a close, I am once again in awe of my life. And I am so very very thankful for all that has manifested in 2010 - especially the people that have come into my life and for the existing relationships that have grown immensely this year .
My intention was to “Think big and go!” And go I did. The results - Amazing!
One year ago, I had no idea that I would have experienced love in so many new ways. I did not know I would travel to London. I had no idea that I would return to world of theatre as the outward expression of my ministerial calling. I had no idea that I would experience the gift of parenthood. But then again….if you commit to thinking big – big thinks happen.
I am also aware that there were times this year when I took my eye off the ball. In fact, I sometimes dropped the ball. In a few cases the ball broke into a million pieces. In other words, I took the attention off my intention and there were consequences.
So as 2010 comes to a close, I invite you to take a discerning look as to what is in each area of your life (Family, Significant Relationship, Career, Finances, Mind/body, Spirit and Community). On a scale of 1 to 10 are you content with the results? (10 equaling most pleased status.)
If not – why not? Where did you take the attention off your intention? How your life looks right now it is the fullest expression of your life to date. Your life “right now” is the demonstration of where you put your attention in 2010. What to make some changes? Sweet! So do I. Let’s do this together.
In 2010 I invited you to think big. In 2011 I invite you to join me as I think bigger than big! We will do this through journaling, blogging and a series of new workshops that will teach you to be authentic to your values so that you will experience the fullest possible expression of Self.
Stay tune for my first workshop of 2011. Dreaming Bigger Than Big! - Rev. Jack