Thursday, August 30, 2007

So What Do You Believe?

Frequently, I’m asked to describe my Spiritual beliefs. And most often, the question is asked in a tone that seems to question my choice to walk both a metaphysical and a more traditional Christian path. Apparently folks would be more comfortable if I “declared” one side or the other. Well that would not be true for me. I’m inspired to chart my own unique path and frequently that has me traveling right down the middle.

But I’ll offer you a little insight as to what I do believe. But don’t follow me — I may change my mind and take you somewhere you don’t want to go!

First off, I start with the one question I most frequently asked, and my somewhat controversial response. “Do you believe in the “literal” word of the Bible?” I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. And, I don’t believe that God stop inspiring when the Revelation 22: verse 21was completed.

To many scholars Revelation is believed to be a book of hope. It teaches that no matter what happens on earth, God is in control. Therefore, God gets to create it however God wants to create it! And, since each and everyone one of us is created in the image of God and we each our one with God — we get to create it too! We are co-creators with God.

I believe (and teach) that there is an internal flame that burns deep within each of us and that flame is the source of all of our energy and our connection with all that God intends for us. I call that source/connection, Spirit. Others call it Source, “Limitless Intelligence” or Energy, Divine Power and some call it the Holy Spirit. I believe you call it whatever you feel “called” to call it. Regardless of what it’s called, it is where our inspiration occurs and from that comes a fulfilled life.

Your internal flame (Source) may be ignited from reading the Bible or from reading A Course in Miracles, The Prophecy, or even reading Harry Potter. Spirit will create the catalyst for you to be inspired the moment you demonstrate a willingness to be inspired.

I also believe that we are born with a boundless amount of human potential because of the Divine gift of intelligence that comes from Spirit. We merely need to tap into it! How do we tap into it? We ask it to come forth in all that we do. We may pray it up, or we may declare it up — either way we’re calling it into action — for Divine right action.

I believe that each and everyone one of us is “connected” with one universal God. My internal flame is inspired by your internal flame because they come from the same Source. If we are destined to be connected; then we must strive to live in Unity.

Therefore, it makes sense to me that we should “first seek to understand and then ask to be understood”. Communities that are inclusive, open, kind, and compassionate are healthy environments to thrive in. In the essentials seek unity — in all else – healthy discussion!

I believe that positive thinking is far more useful than negative thinking. Positive thinking produces positive results — negative thinking produces negative results. The Spirit/Source within you — listens to what you say and then delivers. If you are constantly putting yourself down, or apologizing for your existence — then your Source will prove you right. If you want to change your life then change your mind!

I also believe that we need to listen and learn from our emotions and feelings. They are the gauge for modulating our well being. They provide insight into both our consciousness and our unconscious choices.

I also believe that we are all seekers. However, instead of looking “out there” to define who we are — we must look within to know for certain. We have to go within to the internal Source. It is within your own mind that most of your spiritual work is done. Prayer, meditation, and silence are all pathways leading within.

Now that you know what I think, let me know what you think? Let the conversation begin. - Jack

Monday, August 27, 2007

Are You Living An On Fire Life?

Jeff Bordes and I have just launched a new website called Ignition Factor. Ignition Factor's website is a gateway to an inovative coaching enterprise designed to help people live what we call "an on fire life."

It’s our job to provoke the conversation. We’ll throw out the idea — and then you offer the real life examples and/or questions to the topic presented.

Also, if you have a challenge, dilemma, or anything that is keeping you from living an “on-fire life” then we want to know about it. You post the question, and the solution may come from either Jeff, me or another reader.

Here are a few of the questions that have come to us this past week at — Read the posts, and the let us know what you think.

Let the conversations begin!

Post #1 — The Fire Triangle as a Metaphor

Question: "Why do you use “fire” as a metaphor?"

The Ignition Factor is based on the metaphor of the Fire Triangle, a simple model dating back to ancient Greece, and still used in the modern science of firefighting.

The Fire Triangle represents the three elements fire needs in order to ignite and modulate the burn: Heat, Fuel, and Oxygen. If one of these elements are missing or removed, fire will not exist.

In the Science of Fire, there's a fourth element, combustion. Combustion is a chemical reaction which feeds fire, allowing it to continue and burn hotter and stronger. At Ignition Factor, we teach that the forth element of combustion is the manifestations realized for “purposefully” living an “On-Fire Life. In order to experience “on fire”, we teach that you must accept the responsibility to tend to the three essential elements of the fire within you: You have to be accountable. You have to do stuff. To do so will allow you to feel "on fire" within all 7 major areas of your life: Mind, Body, Career, Wealth, Family, Relationship, and Spirit. Are you On Fire? If you’re not now, you will be after having spent some time with us on this blog site or at

At Ignition Factor, we believe that the only way to experience a truly fulfilled life is to purposefully dedicate oneself to living a life that is consistently and constantly “on fire!” Read on and we'll teach you how!

Post #2 — “Catch Fire!"
[Imagine what it would be like to feel completely fulfilled at the end of each and every day!]

Question: "What does it mean to be fulfilled?"

Before we answer your question, we have a question for you: “At the end of the day — how do you feel?”

• Exhausted and overwhelmed?
• Overwhelmed because of all the “to-do’s that went undone?
• Grateful because you fall asleep counting the wins of the day — like others count sheep?

If you take the time to understand and implement the principles offered by Jeff and I (Your life coaches) at Ignition Factor, you will experience some tremendous new results in your life. You’ll be “fired up” because you will be in control of your own destiny.

Imagine at the end of each day, feeling fulfilled. Feeling satisfied with all that you accomplished and experienced — just in that one day. You can know the gift of falling asleep counting the “wins” of the day rather than sheep. We’ll teach you how! When you visit us at you can order our 30-day Guide to Living A Fulfilled Life. We believe that at the end of the that thirty days you will be more in control of your time, activities, relationships and you will be well on your way to experiencing what we at Ignition Factor call a fulfilled life.

Post #3 — Begin With The End In Mind

Question: "I think I’m living a fulfilled life, but how do I know?"

Ask yourself this question:

How do you define a fulfilled life? There may have been a spontaneous answer that popped right into your mind. And if that answer “feels” right — then go with it. But if that answer didn’t ignite a spark of motivation within your gut — then perhaps you should ponder the question a bit more.

Some people look at it as a legacy question. They choose to live what we at Ignition Factor call “A Principled Life". It is their intention to make sure that their children and their children’s children understand the values and beliefs that have enabled their family to endure hardships and/or experience success.

Others believe that they were born with a purpose to complete. They endeavor to make the world a better place because they feel called to do so. But this is your journey.
At Ignition Factor our intention is to provide you with tools so you can look back on this journey and say “I did it!” I accomplished all that I wanted. I am fulfilled!

Post #4 — In Order To Be Fulfilled — You've Got To Go To The Source!

Question: "I feel like I’m always fighting fires and that I’ ve lost all control of my life. What can I do?"

At Ignition Factor we use the symbols of fire and especially the “fire triangle” because they serve as a vivid metaphor for living a fulfilled life. For example, in our “Ignite the Spark Within, Seminar and Retreat” we teach students to visualize their own ‘inner flame”. Once they can do that, we then teach them that what they are really witnessing is their “eternal flame.”

That eternal flame is your source. — It is where legacy and fulfillment are manifested. It is what burns within you — it tells the story of who we are and what we came here to do.
We’re lucky. We get to control that eternal flame. We get to fuel it; to modulate the temperature and to control the burn. However, if we do not accept this responsibility, that flame will continue to burn.

It will burn out of control. Relationships, jobs, families and even our own sense of self — will go up in flames. If that happens, we’re accountable. So whenever you hear yourself say: I spent the entire day “fighting fires?” Guess what — you’ve let your "internal" fire burn out of control. You didn’t modulate the temperature and you failed to control the burn!

Therefore you must consciously fuel the flame and modulate the burn so that the results that you want are manifested. By using the principles taught at Ignition Factor you will create results that make you proud — that will add to your experience of living a fulfilled life.

POST 5 — See The End — At The Very Beginning

Question: "I want to turn my life around, but I just don’t know where to begin?"

Do not begin any ask without taking a moment to visualize how you think the end will be. If you’re about to paint your house you just don’t throw up any old color and think that it will do. You imagine your house, beige, blue or green. Then you set out to create your vision.
You carefully select the paint that will fulfill your vision. You anticipate which steps to take first, cut back the shrubs, sand the walls, tape off the windows and then you begin to paint. When you follow “a plan” you’re much more likely to experience the results you imagined. Then off you go – step by step on your journey toward a beautifully painted home.

Along the way, you may discover that “oops this window needs caulking”— so you add a step and then move on — keeping the end in mind. Soon a neighbor comes by and offers a ladder — how helpful! Now you modify your plan, to accommodate the use of your new tool. Soon, by concentrating on the step in front of you — you realize — it’s done! And you say to yourself: “It’s just as I thought it would be!”